TIM Tools Forms
New Client Quote Request
Use this form to request an instant TIM Tools license quote for your school or district. The requester will be able to indicate the type of license, the number of teachers, and the length of the license. The quote will be generated and emailed within a minute or two. Quotes for multi-year licenses will reflect the appropriate discount. Requesting a quote does not obligate the school or district. It’s merely a quote that can be presented to a purchasing department for consideration. Although we typically refer to “school or district,” current clients include consulting firms, associations, grantors, and other regional groupings of schools or districts.
Current Client Quote Request
Current TIM Tools clients should use this form to request a renewal quote. The form provides the opportunity to note any changes in the type of renewal license requested. FCIT will email the new quote to the contact we have on file plus whomever the requester indicates on the form. The renewal quote will reflect available discounts for early renewal and for multi-year licenses.
Consultation Request
Use this form to request a TIM Tools consultation for your school or district. A consultation can be either a phone call or a videoconference. We’ll ask you about your needs, present a walk-through of TIM Tools, and answer any questions you have. As a US university, we normally keep Eastern Standard Time (GMT-5) during the winter and Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4) in the summer. With advance notice, we can schedule consultations with potential clients in the Eastern Hemisphere outside our normal business hours. We currently support TIM Tools clients in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Pacific.
Newsletter Subscription
Each month, the Florida Center for Instructional Technology publishes a newsletter with short articles on teaching and learning with technology, using digital content in the classroom, and professional development. Use this form to subscribe.